Tuesday, 9 July 2013

26th. May 2013 Meeting of the P. I. Railway Modellers, things are really Happening!

George has done wonders with this corner

Doesn't it look great

Building for against the wall

Our bridge with back ground scenery

Wall & tunnel mouth

another place for a tunnel

The back ground scenery looks good

Some of the DCC wiring

Jack brought along some of his G scale rolling stock for Show & Tell

Peter sucking it up!

The alterations continue on the N scale layout

The fascia board going on the Club DCC layout

The Boys hard at work on the N scale layout

Thing are really taking shape on the DCC layout
New track work

New track on the N scale layout

Judy ironing on the Club Logos to our shirts

The corner scenery up close

Track view of the corner scenery

The fascia going on the DCC layout

Train at the station, DCC layout

The Gang  at work

Working on the Club layout

Sometimes we try & keep the mess outside

Working in the fresh air

It's all happening

Too many Chiefs & not enough Indians

Control panels DCC Club layout

One of the control units for the layout

The nice Station on the DCC layout

A train at the Station

Two double deckers just fit through tht tunnel

It looks good

Retaining wall

Love that scenery

Bridge and sceenery

Station over view

Another angle

That magnifying glass is handy on the N scale layout

and again

I think the new module fits

The boys hard at work

Tunnel mouths for the N scale layout

The new module has track

and it joins up perfectly

The wiring is hard to see also

Geoff theVice President looks on with approval !

!2th. May 2013 Meeting of the Railway Modellers.

This meeting we split into two groups, one group worked on the Club DCC Layout & the other group worked on a new module for the N Scale portable show layout, you really do need a magnifying glass to work in this Scale! I prefer G Scale. Ed.
Looking busy

 The frame work for the new module

Peter was in charge of this doing all the hard yakka

 I think it attaches here

and it all has to go in this box
Working on Bald Mountain extention

 Jack's rail motor on the DCC layout, thanks to Ian it now has sound

 Alan using the Club Library